$249 package
$349 package
$449 package
Monthly Hosting Fees
Search Engines
Photo Preparation
Logo Preparation
Additional Options

Hosting Packages
''Do It Yourself'' websites are tied into
our reliable, fast servers. Choose from these 3 hosting
$75 Monthly fee includes
- Hosting your ''Do It Yourself'' web site
- 5 email accounts
- One hour a month technical support
- Monthly Traffic Analysis Report. Gives valuable information about your site
including: total web visitors, duration of visits and more. This information helps you and us to refine your
site for optimal results.
here for a sample Traffic Analysis Report.
- Quarterly search engine resubmission (with purchase of initial
Search Engine Registration)
$50 Monthly fee includes
- Hosting your ''Do It Yourself'' web site
- 5 email accounts
- Monthly Traffic Analysis Report. Gives
valuable information about your site including: total web
visitors, duration of visits and more. This information helps you and us to refine your
site for optimal results.
here for a sample Traffic Analysis Report.
$25 Monthly fee includes
- Hosting your ''Do It Yourself'' web site
- 5 email accounts
Contact us if you have
any questions about hosting.